Is this your first sober holiday? Perhaps you are well into your addiction recovery, but you’re worried about what could happen during the holidays. Addiction recovery is challenging around this time of the year, but you don’t have to give up on all you’ve accomplished. We can help you with sober living. Insight Recovery Centers encourages you to learn more about how we can do that by calling is if you are at risk of relapsing now.
Can You Have a Happy But Sober Holiday?
The answer here is yes. The key is to remember all that alcohol or drug use took from you. While you may have memories of the holidays that included positive experiences and involved the use of alcohol and drugs, also think about the path it put you on. What can a sober holiday mean for you this year?
- Less worry about getting caught using
- More clarity and opportunity to rebuild relationships
- The ability to say no because your sober living goals are so important
- Living in the moment and enjoying all of it – and remember it, too
- Trying new things and exploring new opportunities
You have come a long way in your addiction recovery. Sober living does require learning how to overcome some of these challenges.
Try Something New This Year for a Sober Holiday
One of the ways you can ensure sober living continues is to make this year different. That means you’ll need to find new ways to celebrate and have fun with your family and friends that do not include the use of alcohol and drugs.
If you always went to a family member’s home that gives you access to drugs and alcohol, you may not want to go there this year. It may be a better option for you to explore a new place to spend time. Why not host your own experience this year? You may even want to take a short trip, so you have an excuse to be away.
You may also need to manage stress and triggers with more effort this year. That may include learning to say no when you cannot take on any more responsibility. You may need to find ways to reduce some of your stress through things like spending time with loved ones, watching fun movies, or even having that snowball fight you haven’t had in years. Find ways to embrace sober living.
The secret that many peopled do not recognize is that there’s simply no reason to need to use substances. That’s because most people celebrating the holidays don’t either. You can have the type of experience you want to have without worrying about a need to use.
Know When You Need More from Addiction Recovery
There may be times when you need to invest in additional treatment and some extra support. When it comes to the risk of relapse, put yourself first. Know where to reach out for help when you need it. You also need to be sure you can call a mentor if things do get very difficult. When you do this, you can find new opportunities to heal and work through these challenges.
Stepping back into therapy may help you. Learn more about how we can help with programs such as:
- Outpatient opioid addiction treatment
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Outpatient alcohol addiction treatment program
- Addiction treatment therapies
Choose Health This Season with Help from Insight Recovery Centers
When it comes to having a sober holiday, addiction recovery does not stop. It’s important to realize when you need more help to keep achieving your goals. Sober living is something our team at Insight Recovery Centers can help you with one step at a time. If you need help, call our team now at 703.592.6946 or reach out to us online.